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Limit dream interpretation are real dreams rare, and every dream is unique, because we will find this part of this introduction. As dreams are complicated and complicated and dependent on the source, material, interpretations, variations, expressions, time, weather, culture, acceptable witnesses, elements, conditions, testimony, subject, democracy, imagination, purification, wisdom and one Varies according to In this section of introduction, understanding of his dreams, etc seems to be appropriate to explain some of the dream and help the reader to better understand their dreams. Islamic dream interpretation is once the concept
• Abdullah bin Umar, God is pleased with both of them, in his youth, he wanted to hear a real dream and explain his interpretation from the prophet of God, peace. At that time, the Messenger of Allaah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) asked the people that they saw a dream and interpreted it accordingly. Abdulla once prayed: "Lord, if you are good for me, then I should dream that the Messenger of God will be described as peace.” One night, Abdullah dreamed, where two angels took him, before the third angel who addressed Abdullah: "You are righteous, do not talk only!” The angels caught him and went to hell. Take it, which was well added. In this, he saw some people he knew, but the angels took them out and took them to the right. When Abdullah stood up, he made his dream Hafiz Jahullah, the wife of God’s Messenger, which was peace. As a result, Hafeez, who was pleased with him, was attached to the dream of God’s Messenger who commented: "Of course, Abdullah is Salih. It would be good for him if he was in the night As a result of increasing your prayer, in turn, Abdullah prayed for the night prayers.
Dream translator
In the interpretation of Islamic dream, some dreamers agree that dreams of the soul are dreamed and understood by some consciousness. Shaykh Abdul Ghani Nabasi described in his book Ta’tirir-ulum that "the soul remains within a heart, and indicates the heart functions of its mind. When someone sleeps, then his soul lightens It is like a light, or like a sun, where they can see that the angels of dreams appear in front of them through the light of their Lord’s blessings. When someone’s feeling comes from awareness, It is as if the cloud covers the sunlight. When someone arises, he remembers his soul by which the angel of dreams has shown. "Some said:” Spiritual emotions are from a physical consciousness. There are more, representing the truth for the soul, and can only recognize the breasts that is physically important. "For the interpretation of dreams, it is also necessary that soil is from one earth to another Different from the country because every soil is kept in different water by different standards. Water. That is why entertainment of dreams differs from one earth to another. As described earlier, dream interpretation requires a comprehensive knowledge based on the basic principles of our religion, inner spiritual values, moral and cultural traditions. The situation of dreams and the environment of earth and culture is also affected. For example, if a hot country lives in a dream, it sees snow or water, which means rising prices or drying. On the other hand, if there is a cold country and sees snow, rain and hail, it is a good crop and prosperity.
Who dreams? Islamic dream interpretation
Who sees dreams, soul or self? People are divided into the spirit (resin) and self-nature), some say they are the same thing (for example, man and man), while keeping a different view of others . The first group says that self-control means blood. For example, Arabs say that "non-psychologist”, when the woman remembers blood during her period of time. Apart from this, when a woman is born, she says: "Painted,” due to blood costs, with the provision of a newborn baby. They also argue that blood is the only thing that leaves the dead body of a deceased person. In this way, when referring to death, he called the term "Salat Pafafo”, meaning that his blood could be angered or he died. In addition, in English, anyone can get the meaning of ‘bleeding’ term. In this sense, terms of terminology are used in Arabic to mean life or blood.
The power of one’s dreams
Interpretation of Islamic dream is a dream strong when morning, or at an afternoon, or when fruits are taken on their trees, or at the time of harvest, or when at a star ride position or when Intends to sign a business agreement, or think of getting married, or during a decade, etc. One night during a daylight light is far stronger than watching a dream at night. On the other hand, the meaning of dream is seen during the winter when a dream means weak and less likely. The dream of a ruler or governor