Go with this order of mine and drop it upon them, then move except for them and see however they respond.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)J (Part nineteen, Surah An-Nam/, Ayah 28)
Therefore, the pecker took the letter and born it within the lap of Bilqees from the highest. At that point, she gathered all the statesmen and aristocrats of her empire round her and once reading the letter, she was horror-stricken and same to the members of her court that:
0 chiefs, so a noble letter has been born upon Maine. so it’s from Sulayman, and it commences with the name of Allah the foremost Gracious, the foremost Merciful. That; exalt not yourselves against Maine, and gift yourselves in my revered court; in submission.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)J (Part nineteen, Surah An-Nam/, domestic help 29-31)
After reading out the letter ahead of the aristocrats and therefore the ministers of her state, she sought-after their suggestion during this regard. boast upon their physical and military power, the aristocrats recommended declaring a war on Sayyiduna Sulayman – Bilqees, UN agency was a wise and sane girl, warned and directed her aristocrats and ministers by spoken language that war isn’t viable as a result of can|it’ll} build cities ruined and therefore the aristocrats and well-esteemed individuals of cities will become victim of humiliation and ill fame. Therefore, i believe it might be a prudent choice to send some gifts and presents to verify whether or not Sulayman is merely some form of worldly king or additionally a Nabi of Allah . As if he’s a Nabi of Allah , then he can ne’er settle for my gifts. On the contrary, he can insist to follow his faith. And if he is just a cosmopolitan king, then he can flip delicate by acceptive my gifts. Therefore, through a courier, Bilqees sent 5 hundred slaves, 5 hundred well-ornamented bondmaids and 5 hundred golden bricks with them, countless jewels, perfumes (musk and ambergris) and a decorated crown in conjunction with a letter by her. Seeing all this, the pecker departed from there and discovered everything within the court of Sayyiduna Sulayman – thus, once few days, once the envoy of Bilqees arrived within the court of Sayyiduna Sulayman loaded with legion product, Sayyiduna Sulayman same to the courier furiously:
Said Sulayman, ‘Do you facilitate Maine with wealth? What Allah has given upon Maine is best than what He has given you; rather, it’s you UN agency rejoice at your (worldly) gift. come back to them (with these gifts and tell them), therefore we tend to shall positively bring upon them such a military that they’re going to don’t have any power (to challenge), and that we shall definitely drive them out from that town in disgrace; they’re going to be completely humiliated during this method.’
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation ofQuran)J (Part nineteen, SurahAn-Naml, Ayah36-37)
Therefore, upon his come back, once the courier told the entire incident to Bilqees, she then bestowed herself within the court of Sayyiduna Sulayman . once seeing the court of Sayyiduna Sulayman and its wonders, she was assured that little doubt, Sayyiduna Sulayman may be a true Nabi of Allah and his empire is given unto him by Allah. once Sayyiduna Sulayman suggested her to embrace Islam, she embraced Islam with none hesitation. After this, Sayyiduna Sulayman married Bilqees and unbroken her in his palace.
In this perspective, all the nice tasks accomplished by the pecker are not any doubt among the wonders of the planet that square measure in truth the miracles of Sayyiduna Sulayman .